About Us

EQUE was founded by a trio who came together to realize a human-centred approach to recruitment services. The company aims for sustainable employment by propagating quality workplace conditions while fostering inclusive growth and development. It also takes an active stance in upkeeping social dialogue with employees for productive communication. The trio saw the significance of an added personal touch in the hiring process to bring about better job compatibility. It simply gives rise to more fulfilment i.e. happier employers and happier employees.  

Happening in the world today, the arising unemployment rate does not correspond with a lack of jobs. On the contrary, there are increasing number of jobs available yet decreasing online job applicants. It has become more challenging to find qualified candidates to fill the roles that employers are hiring for. This is attributed to adverse experience in online job application and seemingly less interest in formal labor participation. EQUE has identified through its market research that as much as half of today’s job seekers decline or ghosted on job offers when they are not satisfied with the hiring experience of which expectations and work conditions are not communicated effectively.  

In EQUE, there is a team of highly experienced human resource professionals who are dedicated to transform the hiring experience. The company is established with more than 8000 candidate connections, allowing the team to match the right fit with speed and quality. It also has a robust employer feedback system to ensure that work benefits are fair and better tailored to candidate’s expectation. On top of that, EQUE builds close relationships through candidate’s preferred communication channels and leading employer engagement. Trending in many organizations, employers are also valuing soft skills as much as hard skills when choosing the ideal applicant. EQUE is exactly the specialist in this aspect.  

EQUE “goal” towards sustainable employment, by facilitating the most perfect match in candidate and employer expectations. 

Our Core Values


We are passionate about people – their motivations, behaviors, their success stories, major accomplishments and reasons for failure.


We work closely with clients to understand and identify staffing challenges faced within the organization. Instead of using a target-driven approach in the hiring process, honest recommendations will be made.


We do not overpromise or under deliver. We respect diversity and uphold integrity, ethics, and commitment.


Commitment drives engagement and responsibility. We adhere to the commitments we make to our clients. We listen, offer advice, and go above and beyond the typical hiring procedure.

Our Vision

Our vision is to become the go-to hiring partner on the global level based on the extent and quality of our services. And to job seekers, we want to be the preferred platform for job seekers to discover and pursue exciting careers with their ideal organizations.

We want to make a difference in the lives of everyone we work with and change the people’s perception of recruitment.

Our Mission

Our mission is to have a positive impact on the working community by providing a range of innovative staffing solutions and dynamic acquisition strategy to find you the best talent. We are dedicated to providing excellent customer service, quality staffing and affordable pricing. In order to satisfy the needs and expansion of our clients' businesses, we will continue to work closely with them on workforce requirements. By offering a competent and effective job matching service, we strive to be the leading agency in our sector.